Hello beautiful Souls. My message today to about observing without reacting.
To learn how to observe your thoughts without believing them. When we hear the words of others we have to practice the listening and the language they use. Take note too of what is, not said.
When you take on board your thoughts, it triggers a reaction. It is a practice of allowing ourselves to just watch our thoughts when they arise and permitting them to fade and pass away. Taking on the option of that we are in stillness. Take on a sense of purpose, not a comparison. With full alertness, awareness and presence.
Being present and fully aware, you are no longer with your thoughts, free from the narratives of the mind, you are in stillness and you are observing without taking action on our thoughts. It involves self talk.
Allowing our thoughts in, without resistance, letting them sit and then allowing them to move on without personal connection and belief... Simply to observe.
We can find space of observation instead of judgements, this gives us a space to be non-reactive. When we seek comparison we make it personal. Spend more time on the real purpose.
It takes practice to find a space of stillness and be non-reactive. We can follow a good tool, that is to decide to remove the emotion and judgements from the challenge. Focus solely on the challenge and not the person. We could spend less time wishing we hadn't said something. Less regret and more listening.
We have to remind ourselves of the importance of breath work, slowly inhale through the nose, hold, then breath and exhale slowly. Pause... Breathe...Then decide is this about me? How can I step and deal with the real matter at hand.