Hello beautiful Souls. My message today is about finding your compass to navigate life and taking owership of your mistakes.
In the center of every human heart, we can find the wisdom and intelligence of the higher self.
Each one of us has could benefit from one particular mission - that is to find our way into our own heart. There in this sacred private space, where we meet our inner teacher who guides us to our highest destiny. The inner voice of reason and of course also a question to ponder on too sometimes. Our journey to finding our heart can turn our life around.
It takes vulnerability to put yourself out there to make a space to grow... and that can give you the courage to continue to be a warrior. It makes space to thrive not just survive! To stop telling ourself lies we start to believe.
You are wise when you learn from your mistakes and see these as lessons not to be continued. You are wise when you can take ownership and admit when you have been human and made a mistake. To apologise and use action to correct those mistakes, no excuses no blame. An apology is a changed behaviour and this is an acknowledgement of your growth. We all make mistakes that ok.
Let's work with our vulnerability, integrity, compassion and inner guidance, that intuition and gut feelings to help us to manifest it! Let this be a time to find growth and improved outcomes.