Hello beautiful Souls. My message to day is about personal growth. My journal today. It's a long post, so should you wish to scroll by... That's your choice.
This is my space, so today I will indulge myself, my thoughts on my life. That's why when you ask for my support in your journey I feel I can resonate.
The past few years have been somewhat life changing for me personally. My passion for my work and my education in this Life Coaching field, have touched me personally. I began to practice what I preach. This is one of the most important changes for me. No use in being a "plumber with a leaking toilet surely!? "
As I’ve grown older and witnessed so much self growth and continue to have endless lessons and learnings. I come realise as I write today, that less of the things that once mattered to me...
Now really matter, it truly is a wonderful insight. I also realize that in nearly 60 years one CANNOT be without change. It is how you manage it that serves you best.
I’ve came to realise that there were those who angered me and controlled me before, so...I no longer gave them permission to disturb my joy, capabilities, self esteem or disrupt my wellbeing.
I am more readily able to let go of what once triggered, burdened and upset me in order to preserve my peace. I came to the conclusion that their opinion of me is just that...an opinion. Mostly those who either misunderstood or projected their own challenges on me. Those, sapping me of positive energy can no longer do so. I learnt that boundaries are necessary and sometimes bring loneliness, however, also bring peace and no guilt. I learnt that the one person you can rely on is "Yourself". I have learnt that my insecurities, disabled me and made me needy and far too dependent on others. This made me weaker. I realized that I can't fix or change anyone but myself. I can only plant seeds and lead by example. I learnt to listen more.
As I began this new journey and chapter of yet even more changes, the list of things I desire for my life has slowly dwindled to include less physical things and more of the intangible desires, like, joy, comfort, fulfilment, purpose, self-love and even a touch of selfishness...maybe a bit of "me first.
As I made and continue this transistion to the new teachings, I am now discovering that my worth is not defined by or tied to my attractiveness or appeal to the opposite gender or my external physical beauty. That doesn't mean I won't wear make up, do my hair and have self pride. It means I am doing this for me because it makes me feel better. Nor is my worth valued about where I live or the amount of money I make, or possessions I own. It is better reflected through my capacity to show up fully in the world and to be my loving, authentic self and live kindly, purposefully and meaningfully.
As I've grown older and hopefully a little wiser. I've come to appreciate that while I once feared being ignored and overlooked I now embrace the freedom. I feel as I get to spend my free time as I wish. To do, act and say whatever I please without feeling the need to impress or please others and to live my life in a way that is fulfilling and satisfying to me. I now believe in ME!
Sometimes the space of being with oneself is the realisation of understanding one's personal needs. "The Metime."
This continued journey called life has taught me how very little other people’s judgements and opinions truly matter when you are pursuing what brings you joy and living in alignment with your purpose, goals and dreams.
I have come to appreciate that ageing is a precious gift. As it means that I have experienced the fullness, depth and richness of life. I also too have learnt that learning new acceptances and tolerances are never ending. I still have so much to explore and live for. One has to make peace with "what is... Simply is"
I have learnt that I am capable, stronger, independent and a woman of immense bravery and strength.
And I have come to understand what a glorious and magnificent adventure it can truly be. Mostly I have learn't gratitude, acceptance and faith. The Universe always has my back. I am truly blessed and feeling so ignited to continue to excel and find and embrace whatever the Universe has on offer.
It's not only about the place or environment physically it's about the place and environment within.
Grab it, take it and own it, NOW! I have learnt... You CAN have dreams and you CAN rebuild your life, if you simply believe you CAN! I learn every day that I am not always right, I can still learn, apologize and start again.
Hoping those who read this part my story today will too grow strength and gain wings to be who wish to be too! With love and light🙏 Avra