Hello beautiful Souls. My message today is about change of space, is your life about living on an island?
As most of you know I am now living in Mauritius after spending four months on the island last year and then deciding this year to make it home. With this new environment and change I am extremely on a high frequency.
I am sure we all take the opportunity and experiences of change and embracing new chapters with different approaches and perspective. I have been in Mauritius for just over three months now! (Time flies when you are living on an island.) Or... is it Island time? Yip... everything has s l o w e d down! Tomorrow becomes done in another tomorrow and another many tomorrows. Patience and surrender to it will happen... when it happens and this sure has been a fair learning experience to let it be as it's meant to be!
So many people said to me, "what about Island Fever?" Well, after three and a half months, I guess it might be too soon to comment and explore that feeling or dynamic. This got me thinking, (as I always do). How many of us get to live on a beautiful Island? The gratitude and appreciation of every tree, the different exiquite blues of the sea and incredible sunsets are quite overwhelming. Not something I could ever take for granted or forget!
Whilst I have been processing all this newness, I realise we ALL live on/in an island. We can all suffer Island fever. How often do you move from your surroundings and CHANGE where you shop, where you go to the doctor, to the pharmacy, to the nursery or to the petrol station, for that take out and many more routine habits and comfort zones?
Generally speaking only, we live on our own island and only when totally necessary, will we venture out of our base or bubble of existence. Maybe a holiday or weekend away. I can tell you, In this short time I have probably seen more of Mauritius than most locals. The accumulated square kilometers takes some navigation. My GPS has a setting,that I haven't yet worked out how to change, so my path and my journey are not always the direct route! I am really very happy with getting lost and found again! Literally and figuratively this is the journey we all tread.
Already I have chosen shops, chosen walks, started a new walking group that is now gaining great momentum and I too have chosen some beautiful beaches I frequent more often. How quickly do we become resourceful in finding our comfort in our island that we live in? Even after my return to the island a fave fish shop moved and I was quite out of sorts! Aah... there are plenty of fish in the sea I am told!
We need to find a comfort zone, a familiarity and a sense of security within. This resource is part of our survival.
The Island that I find myself living in is now found within. It's a Soul connection that called me to this Island and allow me to find a way to feel comfort where I belong. It has no meaning to me by name, it has no luck attached to it. It's simply a place that I call home, a Soul connection that is connecting my heart to a place of peace within. Of course it does help that it's particularly damn beautiful and offers so much of the Universe's canvas totally free for the taking and enjoyment
Is your Island your happy space, or do you have Island fever?