Hello Beautiful Souls. Today my message is about understanding instructions.
I have a story or two tell today to explain my message and of course an analogy or lesson to explain my thoughts.
There’s a gardener here ? Just arrived even just after the Cyclone warning we had was just lifted. Dedicated and ready to work! No landlady to supervise. In Mauritius they call doing the lawn often at most a simple quick brush cut with a weedeater !!! Yes , Weeds and all!
So I carefully type to this dude in both French and Creole languages in Google translate asking him to please cut the grass a little higher ! I get his attention with waving arms furiously and greetings of “Bonjour”!!! I explain the grass has only half come back from the drought and he is burning the bit there is as he is literally cutting flat down to the roots !!! 😭 He politely says “Bonjour” (Hello) removes his goggles and looks at my phone that I have now put in this face for reading and pointing to the script. He looks a me in despair 😞 He can’t read!! Eish.
Plan B : I revert to playing charads!!
I keep nodding when good , with a thumbs up. 👍🏻 and shaking my head 😶🌫️when not right and when he is cutting again to too low !! 😭😭😭😭😱 We now have a great understanding. I nod he nods. I shake my head he nods! Each time he goes to low I shake my head and make upward movements with my hands waving. I look at him and say “Merci Beaucoup” ( thank you very much) he nods and smiles at me and makes a thumbs up ! 👍🏻 haha 😭🌴
So we learn that we can communicate and follow an instruction if we utilise our resources to try help others get to understand our information we are needing to convey to them with a little patience and a lot of creative sign language 🤟🤣😁👍🏻👎🏻👌🏻👆🏻☝🏻🤛!
Never give up trying to communicate as best you can, it will save the grass! And maybe much much more! Have a great day! 🌴🌴🌴