Hello beautiful Souls, my thoughts today are about detachment.
Emotional detachment is an inability or unwillingness to connect with other people on an emotional level.
For some people, being emotionally detached helps protect them from unwanted drama, anxiety, or stress.
With so many working from home and children being kept at home, restricted from the human physical interaction, isolation and social distancing we need to be aware of our mental health.
For others, the detachment isn’t always voluntary. It’s instead the result of events that make the person unable to be open and honest about their emotions.
Emotional detachment can be helpful if you use it purposefully. You may set boundaries with certain people or groups. It helps you distance from people who demand a lot of your emotional attention.
We need to be aware that emotional detachment can also be harmful when you can’t control it. You may feel “numb" and close to depression.
Emotional detachment can be having difficulty creating or maintaining personal relationships, a lack of attention, or appearing preoccupied when around others. It could also be having
difficulty being loving or affectionate with a family member. If you are avoiding people, activities, or places because they’re associated with a past trauma or event.
Other symptoms can be:
* reduced ability to express emotion.
* difficulty empathizing with another person’s feelings.
* not easily sharing emotions or feelings.
* difficulty committing to another person or a relationship.
* not making another person a priority when they should be.
It may be voluntary. Some people can choose to remain emotionally removed from a person or situation. Emotional detachment could be the result of trauma, abuse, or a previous taumatic encounter. In these cases, previous events may make it difficult to be open and honest. This may lead to depression and serious anxiety.
Similarly, some people choose to proactively remove themselves from an emotional situation. This might be if you have a family member or a colleague that you know upsets you greatly. You can choose to not engage with the person or persons. This will help you remain cool and keep your calm.
In situations like this, emotional detachment is a bit like a protective measure. It helps you prepare for situations that would normally get the best of you. Emotional detachment or “numbing” is frequently a symptom that may develop this type behaviour as a coping mechanism.
Understanding how you feel and act can help in thetreatment for emotional detachment. For some people, it is a way of coping with overwhelming people or activities. In that sense, it can be healthy. You choose when to be involved and when to step away.
In other cases, however, numbing yourself to emotions and feelings may not be healthy. Indeed, frequently “turning off” your emotions may lead to unhealthy behaviors. These include an inability to show empathy or a fear of commitment.
What’s more, people that struggle to express emotions or process them in a healthy manner may seek out other outlets for those feelings. This could include drugs, alcohol, or aggressive behaviors. These aren’t a substitute for emotional processing, but they may feel like a way to release that energy.
Emotions and feelings are a vital part of human connection.
Some people are able to turn off their emotions in order to protect themselves. For others, emotional numbing is unintended. It may even be part of a larger issue, like depression or anxiety.
Feeling emotionally numb, or a general lack of emotion, can be a symptom of several different reasons. Some people describe it as feeling emptiness or despondency, while others report feeling isolated. Some people describe the emotional numbness as feeling unfocused or ungrounded.
There are a number of different things that can cause emotional numbness. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common causes. Severe levels of acute elevated stress or nervousness can also trigger feelings of emotional numbness. Post-traumatic stress disorder, which can be tied to depression and anxiety, can cause you to feel numbness or detached.
The Limbic system is located near the center of your brain and is responsible for your emotions. Stress hormones can also affect other hormones in your body, which in turn can affect your mood.
Even if you’re having trouble connecting, reach out to the people who love you and your support people. They may be able to help you connect.
The first step in treating emotional numbness is to identify and treat the underlying cause. Learning coping techniques will help you to regain your emotional feeling again. Utilise a professional to assist you if you are not coping. NLP and Hypnosis are options.
When you’re feeling numb, the last thing you may want to do is get up and move, but it’s one of the best things you can do. This is great for stress relief, taking a walk around the neighborhood can help flood your brain with endorphins. To get the best results, exercise daily.
Get plenty of sleep: If you can get at least eight hours of good quality sleep every night, it could help improve your mood quickly.
Learn self-care strategies, eat a well-balanced, healthy diet: By eating healthy foods, you fuel your body to work at its best.
Minimizing the stress you experience or improving how you manage it can positively impact your body, reduce stress hormones, and help you regain emotional feeling. Practice stress-busting techniques like meditation or mindfulness to better manage the stress that you can’t get rid of.
Learn to identify and express emotions. Our emotions and feelings are a vital part of human connection.
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This article is based on my own experience as a Practitioner, content is based on my personal thoughts and observations. No medical advice or diagnosis is intended.